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Location : Illinois

Powerpoints Empty
PostSubject: Powerpoints   Powerpoints I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 27, 2011 2:44 am

I'll be glad start this section. It is my opinion that powerpoints have become the default method for teachers in all subjects and not just including A&P. While these slides are visual, and extremely convenient for the professors, they are not very engaging in my eyes (in terms of learning). I don't know about the rest of the student population but I have a very difficult time staring at powerpoints day in and out. Half of the time, the slides are provided by the publisher and the teacher will, in essence, read verbatim directly from the book. For God's sake, give me something with more zest, more life, more of anything aside from the current method of teaching. I have had, however, teachers that do find a way to team with the slides while not making the class too boring. Please teachers, don't read to me. I can stay home and do this. I don't need to be read to. Nor do I want to read powerpoints, I want teaching and learning to fun, exciting, interesting, and revealing. Don't be like so many teachers out there that read, read, read to us. I know you get paid regardless of the high drop-out ratio the class already has. What is it? Something like 50% or more? So, A&P professors already have a difficult to teach. Maybe, the thought process is," Well, heck, people are going to drop anyway, what's the difference?" I doubt that, but maybe that is running through his or her's mind. Just my 2 cents about powerpoints. I say get rid of them entirely.
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